Fish in Spicy Coconut Sauce


1 lb. white fish 2 Tbs. curry paste
2 cups coconut mile 2 Tbs. peanuts
5-6 dried medium-sized pepoers             2 Tbs. sugar
3 cloves garlic 1 Tbs. salt
3 kaffir lime leaves, ground (or 1 Tbs.)   1/2 cup and 2 Tbs. oil, divided
3 inches lemon grass, ground (or 2 Tbs.)

Clean peppers and remove seeds. Soak in water for about 30 minutes. Heat 1/2 cup oil in wok for flying pan. Fry fish until done. Set aside, draining on paper towels. While fish is cooking, mince chili peppers. pound garlic, ground lime leaves,ground lemon grass, curry paste, peppers, and peanuts in a mortar and pestle until fragrant. In a saucepan, heat 1 Tbs. oil until hot. Add spices that you just pounded and cook until fragrant. Add coconut milk and bring to a boil. Add sugar and salt. Add fish.Cook until fish is cooked through and easily flakes with a fork. Serve with rice.

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